
Dear Neve,

Today is a very important day.
Today, you said no for the first time.

Now, I hope you will keep saying it.

I hope you will say no to unkindness in the world.
I hope you will say no to anything that judges another's worth based on their skin, sex, religion or accent.
I hope you will say no to politics that would destroy your world for temporary gain.
I hope you will say no when people tell you how to feel about your body.
I hope you will say no to anyone who tells you you can't do something, because you are a woman.
I hope you will say no to the machine which drives consumption and kills contentment.
I hope you will say no to any partner who will love you only with conditions.
I hope you will say no to any path which robs you of your passions.

I hope you will keep saying no.

Today is a very important day.
Today, you said no for the first time.

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